Saturday, January 18, 2025

Required Self Study Courses

Posted by admin On November - 9 - 2011 Comments Off

The following classes are required for all “First Responders” in the state of Indiana, this includes all Police, Fire and EMS personnel. These courses, or proof of completion of these courses will be required for all students enrolled in the IDHS District 1 Fire Academy. Material from these courses could be included in the state certification exams for Mandatory Firefighter, Firefighter I, Firefighter II.


Autism Spectrum Disorder (Clicking the link will open the course. Upon completion of the course print/email results to

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Review the powerpoint, then log-in to the Quizzes page and take the assigned quiz).

If you have questions please contact Instructor Roark.

Popularity: 23% [?]

Line of Duty Death Research Project

Posted by admin On November - 9 - 2011 46 COMMENTS

loddIt’s heart breaking that we continue to kill over 100 firefighters every year in the line of duty. As firefighters we have a responsibility to not just honor the fallen but to also learn from them. In this assignment you will be assigned a Line of Duty Death to research, you will provide details about the fallen firefighter, their department, and the events / circumstances surrounding their deaths.

You will be given additional details regarding this assignment by Instructor Roark in an upcoming class.

Popularity: 46% [?]


Posted by admin On October - 24 - 2011 Comments Off

Tuesday, November 1st will be out first day of the academy. This will be an information packed day! Not only will you get to meet your classmates, but you will also have the opportunity to meet most of the instructors as well as IDHS District 1 staff. In addition we will also be covering the following topics: Rules and Regulations, Policies and Procedures, Academy Objectives, Goals and Expectations as well as an Orientation to the Fire Service.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Popularity: 10% [?]

Required Self Study Courses

The following classes are required for all “First Responders” in the state of Indiana, this includes all Police, Fire and [...]

Industry Changing Event Research Project

You will be assigned to research an event that had a significant affect on the fire service. Details about this [...]

Line of Duty Death Research Project

It’s heart breaking that we continue to kill over 100 firefighters every year in the line of duty. As firefighters [...]

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